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A Cook County Initiative

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Inform. Inspire. Impact.

Under the leadership of Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, this new Cook County initiative seeks to address learning loss magnified by COVID-19 by curating and creating free early childhood and family oriented educational programming and through the development of Cook County’s first-ever mobile app.

The programming will air many places including on our County TV channel (Channel 22/900 on Comcast), and the app developed by University of Chicago.

Through this initiative, Cook County and its Project Rainbow partners will produce new or repurpose existing informative and educational content for children and families. Additionally, future Cook County initiatives and programming involving children, families, or the arts will now be recognized by the County as Project Rainbow initiatives.

Read the Press ReleaseRead the Policy Brief (pdf)

Project Rainbow is made possible because of its world class partners.

Our partners are helping to support this Cook County initiative with rich educational resources. A list of partners is below.

Project Rainbow’s Content Creators.

Project Rainbow has partnered with numerous organizations to create and provide rich educational videos for children and the entire family.

Our curriculum — powered by Golden Apple’s award-winning teachers.

We’ve partnered with the Golden Apple Foundation to create our very own Project Rainbow Curriculum. A portion of Project Rainbow content will draw on the expertise of Golden Apple’s award-winning teachers who are also state certified teacher evaluators. Through this partnership, Project Rainbow provides literacy enrichment videos for early childhood learners, geared specifically for 3- to 6-year-olds.

Developed by Golden Apple’s mentors, the curriculum is aligned to the Common Core State Standards, Illinois Learning Standards, and Creative Curriculum. Each lesson is designed to have a predictable structure, integrated content areas, a home connection for parents and guardians, and differentiation of strategies for diverse learners including special education and dual language learners.

Please follow the link below to access our unique lesson plans accompanied by videos, worksheets, and instructions on how to complete each lesson with your student.

Lesson 1 - The Letter C

Lesson 2 - The Letter M

Lesson 3 - The Letter R

Lesson 4 - The Letter S

Lesson 5 - The Letter T

Lesson 6 - The Letter D

Lesson 7 - The Letter B

Lesson 8 - The Letter F

Lesson 9 - The Letter H

Lesson 10 - The Letter P

The Project Rainbow App is here!

The early years of a child’s education are some of the most critical to their cognitive and emotional development, but too many of our kids still miss out. That’s why we created ProjectRainbow. And why we made Project Rainbow available online, on YouTube, on Xfinity/Comcast (Channels 22 and 900) and on our app.

Our new app allows you and your children to learn anywhere at any time. From exploring museums and nature to learning from award-winning Golden Apple teachers, Project Rainbow makes learning fun.

The University of Chicago’s UChicago Tech Team – the student-led organization dedicated to supporting community organizations and local government in effecting change through technology – developed this exciting new app. It is now available on Android and Apple.

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